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The following represents Ambassador Anwarul Karim Chowdhury distinct views on the role of civil society in global affairs.


  1. Key Role in Global Governance: Civil society organizations are vital in global governance, effectively addressing issues that might be overlooked by governments and international bodies.

  2. Advocacy for the Underrepresented: These organizations are crucial in advocating for marginalized and underrepresented communities, bringing local and diverse perspectives to the global stage.

  3. Collaboration with International Bodies: A strong partnership between civil society and international organizations enhances the effectiveness of global efforts in human rights, peacebuilding, and sustainable development.

  4. Promoters of Democracy and Transparency: Civil society plays a pivotal role in promoting democracy and transparency, both within national governments and international institutions, ensuring accountability and representation of ordinary citizens.

  5. Education and Awareness Raising: Civil society is instrumental in educating the public and raising awareness on critical issues like peace, human rights, and sustainable development.

  6. Innovation and Local Solutions: These organizations are often at the forefront of developing innovative and grassroots-level solutions to complex global challenges.

  7. Empowerment and Capacity Building: Civil society is key in empowering individuals and communities, especially in developing countries, contributing to sustainable and long-term change.

  8. Contributions to Peacebuilding: Civil society organizations play an important role in peacebuilding, fostering dialogue and understanding among diverse and potentially conflicting parties.


Ambassador Chowdhury highlights the importance of civil society organizations in various aspects of global governance and societal development.


Content forthcoming. 

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